Professional Dosier for Dr. Gregory L. Plett
Refereed Journal Publications
- Pinter, Z.M., Marinelli, M., Trimboli, M.S., Plett, G.L., “Linear Continuous-Time Regression and Dequantizer for Lithium-Ion Battery Cells with Compromised Measurement Quality,” World Electric Vehicle Journal, Vol. 16, No. 3, 2025, 116.
- Hileman, W., Trimboli, M.S., Plett, G.L., “Estimating the Values of the PDE Model Parameters of Rechargeable Lithium-Metal Battery Cells Using Linear Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy,” ASME Letters in Dynamic Systems and Control, Vol. 4, No. 4, 2024, 041009.
- Plett, G.L., “A Linear Method to Fit Equivalent Circuit Model Parameter Values to HPPC Relaxation Data From Lithium-Ion Cells,” ASME Letters in Dynamic Systems and Control, Vol. 5, No. 1, 2024, 011003.
- Rüther, T., Hileman, W., Plett, G.L., Trimboli, M.S., Danzer, M.A., “Demystifying the Distribution of Relaxation Times: A Simulation-Based Investigation into the Limits and Possibilities of Interpretation for Lithium-Ion Batteries,” Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Vol. 171, No. 6, 2024, 060508.
- Lopetegi, I., Plett, G.L, Trimboli, M.S., de Souza, A.K., Oca, L., Miguel, E., Iraola, U., “A New Battery SOC/SOH/eSOH Estimation Method Using a PBM and Interconnected SPKFs: Part I. SOC and Internal Variable Estimation,” Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Vol. 171, No. 3, 2024, 030519.
- Lopetegi, I., Plett, G.L, Trimboli, M.S., Oca, L., Miguel, E., Iraola, U., “A New Battery SOC/SOH/eSOH Estimation Method Using a PBM and Interconnected SPKFs: Part II. SOH and eSOH Estimation,” Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Vol. 171, No. 3, 2024, 030518.
- Kawakita de Souza, A., Hileman, W., Trimboli, M.S., Plett, G.L., “A Closed-Form Impedance Model for Rechargeable Lithium-Metal Batteries,” IFAC-PapersOnLine, Vol. 56, Issue 2, 7114–7119.
- Fan, G., Lu, D., Trimboli, M.S., Plett, G.L., Zhu, C., Zhang, X., “Nondestructive diagnostics and quantification of battery aging under different degradation paths,” Journal of Power Sources, Vol. 557, 2023, 232555.
- Kawakita de Souza, A., Hileman, W., Trimboli, M.S., Plett, G.L., “A Control-Oriented Reduced-Order Model for Lithium-Metal Batteries,” IEEE Control Systems Letters, Vol. 7, 2023, 1165–1456.
- Lu, D., Trimboli, M.S., Wang, Y., Plett, G.L., “Modeling Voltage Decay During Calendar-Life Aging,” Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Vol. 169, No. 12, 2022, 120515.
- Gao, Y., Plett, G.L., Fan, G., Zhang, X., “Enhanced state-of-charge estimation of LiFePO4 batteries using an augmented physics-based model,” Journal of Power Sources, Vol. 544, 2022, 231889.
- Lu, D., Trimboli, M.S., Fan, G., Wang, Y., Plett, G.L., “Nondestructive EIS Testing to Estimate a Subset of Physics-Based-Model Parameter Values for Lithium-Ion Cells,” Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Vol. 169, No. 8, 2022, 080504.
- Lu, D., Trimboli, M.S., Plett, G.L., “Cell Discharge Testing to Calibrate a Positive-Electrode Open-Circuit-Potential Model for Lithium-Ion Cells,” Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Vol. 169, No. 7, 2022, 070524.
- García Elvira, D., Machado, R., Plett, G.L., Trimboli, M.S., Valderrama Blavi, H., Cid Pastor, A., Martinez Salamero, L., “Simplified Li Ion Cell Model for BMS Coupling an Equivalent Circuit Dynamic Model with a Zero Dimensional Physics Based SEI Model,” Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Vol. 168, No. 11, 2021, 110526.
- Miguel, E., Plett, G.L., Trimboli, M.S., Oca, L., Iraola, U., Bekaert, E., “Review of Computational Parameter Estimation Methods for Electrochemical Models ,” Journal of Energy Storage, Vol. 44, Part B, 2021, 103388.
- Lu, D., Trimboli, M.S., Fan, G., Zhang, R., Plett, G.L., “Nondestructive Pulse Testing to Estimate a Subset of Physics-Based-Model Parameter Values for Lithium-Ion Cells,” Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Vol. 168, No. 8, 2021, 080533.
- Lu, D., Trimboli, M.S., Fan, G., Zhang, R., Plett, G.L., “Implementation of a Physics-Based Model for Half-Cell Open-Circuit Potential and Full-Cell Open-Circuit Voltage Estimates: Part I. Processing Half-Cell Data ,” Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Vol. 168, No. 7, 2021, 070532.
- Lu, D., Trimboli, M.S., Fan, G., Zhang, R., Plett, G.L., “Implementation of a Physics-Based Model for Half-Cell Open-Circuit Potential and Full-Cell Open-Circuit Voltage Estimates: Part II. Processing Full-Cell Data ,” Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Vol. 168, No. 7, 2021, 070533.
- Miguel, E., Plett, G.L., Trimboli, M.S., Lopetegi, I., Oca, L., Iraola, U., Bekaert, E., “Electrochemical Model and Sigma Point Kalman Filter based Online Oriented Battery Model,” IEEE Access, Vol. 9, 2021, 98072–98090.
- Xavier, M.A., de Souza, A.K., Karami, K., Plett, G.L., Trimboli, M.S., “A Computational Framework for Lithium Ion Cell-Level Model Predictive Control Using a Physics-Based Reduced-Order Model,” IEEE Control Systems Letters, Vol. 5, No. 4, 2021, pp. 1387–92.
- Guest, B., Trimboli, M.S., Plett, G.L., “Pseudo-Steady-State Reduced-Order-Model Approximation for Constant-Current Parameter Identification in Lithium-Ion Cells,” Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Vol. 167, No. 16, 2020, 160546.
- Kong, X., Plett, G.L., Trimboli, M.S., Zhang, Z., Zheng, Y., “An Exact Closed-Form Impedance Model for Porous-Electrode Lithium-Ion Cells,” Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Vol. 167, No. 1, 2020, 013539.
- Chu, Z., Jobman, R., Rodríguez, A., Plett, G.L., Trimboli, M.S., Feng, X., Ouyang, M., “A control-oriented electrochemical model for lithium-ion battery. Part II: Parameter identification based on reference electrode,” Journal of Energy Storage, Vol. 27, 2020, 101101.
- Smiley, A.J., Harrison, W.K., Plett, G.L., “Postprocessing the outputs of an interacting multiple-model Kalman filter using a Markovian trellis to estimate parameter values of aged Li-ion cells ,” Journal of Energy Storage, Vol. 27, 2020, 101043.
- Kong, X., Plett, G.L., Trimboli, M.S., Zhang, Z., Qiao, D., Zhao, T., Zheng, Y., “Pseudo-two-dimensional model and impedance diagnosis of micro internal short circuit in lithium-ion cells ,” Journal of Energy Storage, Vol. 20, 2019, 101085.
- Plett, G.L., “Review and Some Perspectives on Different Methods to Estimate State of Charge of Lithium-Ion Batteries,” Journal of Automotive Safety and Energy, Vol. 10, No. 3, 2019, pp. 249–272.
- Rodríguez, A., Plett, G.L., Trimboli, M.S., “Comparing four model-order reduction techniques, applied to lithium-ion battery-cell internal electrochemical transfer functions,” eTransportation, Vol. 1, 2019, 100009.
- Chu, Z., Plett, G.L., Trimboli, M.S., Ouyang, M., “A control-oriented electrochemical model for lithium-ion battery, Part I: Lumped-parameter reduced-order model with constant phase element,” Journal of Energy Storage, Vol. 25, 2019, 100828.
- Rodríguez, A., Plett, G.L., Trimboli, M.S., “Improved transfer functions modeling linearized lithium-ion battery-cell internal electrochemical variables,” Journal of Energy Storage, Vol. 20, 2018, pp. 560–575.
- Smiley, A., Plett, G.L., “An adaptive physics-based reduced-order model of an aged lithium-ion cell, selected using an interacting multiple-model Kalman filter,” Journal of Energy Storage, Vol. 19, 2018, pp. 120–134.
- Rodríguez, A., Plett, G.L., Trimboli, M.S., “Fast computation of the electrolyte-concentration transfer function of a lithium-ion cell model,” Journal of Power Sources, Vol. 360, 2017, pp. 642–645.
- Rodríguez, A., Plett, G.L., “Controls-oriented models of lithium-ion cells having blend electrodes. Part 1: Equivalent circuits,” Journal of Energy Storage, Vol. 11, 2017, pp. 162–177.
- Rodríguez, A., Plett, G.L., “Controls-oriented models of lithium-ion cells having blend electrodes. Part 2: Physics-based reduced-order models,” Journal of Energy Storage, Vol. 11, 2017, pp. 219–236.
- Mundy, A., Plett, G.L., “Reduced-order physics-based modeling and experimental parameter identification for non-Faradaic electrical double-layer capacitors,” Journal of Energy Storage, Vol. 7, 2016, pp. 167–180.
- Jobman, R., Trimboli, M.S., Plett, G.L., “Identification of lithium-ion physics-based model parameter values,” Journal of Energy Challenges and Mechanics, Vol. 2, Issue 2, pp. 45–55.
- Stetzel, K., Aldrich, L., Trimboli, M.S., Plett, G.L., “Electrochemical state and internal variables estimation using a reduced-order physics-based model of a lithium-ion cell and an extended Kalman filter,” Journal of Power Sources, Vol. 278, 2015, pp. 490–505.
- Lee, J.L., Aldrich, L., Stetzel, K., Plett, G.L., “Extended operating range for reduced-order model of lithium-ion cells,” Journal of Power Sources, Vol. 255, 2014, pp. 85–100.
- Plett, G.L., “Algebraic solution for modeling SEI layer growth,” ECS Electrochemistry Letters, Vol. 2, No. 7, 2013, pp. A63–A65.
- Xue, K-H, Plett, G.L., “A convective transport theory for high rate discharge in lithium ion batteries,” Electrochimica Acta, Vol. 87, January 2013, pp. 575–590.
- Lee, J.L., Chemistruck, A., Plett, G.L., “One-dimensional physics-based reduced-order model of lithium-ion dynamics,” Journal of Power Sources, Vol. 220, December 2012, pp. 430–448.
- Perkins, R.D., Randall, A.V., Zhang, X., Plett, G.L., “Controls Oriented Reduced Order Modeling of Lithium Deposition on Overcharge,” Journal of Power Sources, Vol. 209, July 2012, pp. 318–325.
- Randall, A.V., Perkins, R.D., Zhang, X., Plett, G.L., “Controls Oriented Reduced Order Modeling of SEI Layer Growth,” Journal of Power Sources, Vol. 209, July 2012, pp. 282–288.
- Lee, J.L., Chemistruck, A., Plett, G.L., “Discrete-Time Realization of Transcendental Impedance Functions, with Application to Modeling Spherical Solid Diffusion,” Journal of Power Sources, Vol. 206, May 2012, pp. 367–377.
- Plett, G.L., “Recursive approximate weighted total least squares estimation of battery cell total capacity,” Journal of Power Sources, Vol. 196, No. 4, February 2011, pp. 2319–2331.
- Park, J., Seo, J.H., Plett, G.L., Lu, W., Sastry, A.M., “Numerical Simulation of the Effect of the Dissolution of LiMn2O4 Particles on Li-Ion Battery Performance,” Electrochemical and Solid State Letters, Vol. 14, No. 2, November 2010, pp. A14–A18.
- Seo, J.H., Park, J., Plett, G.L., Sastry, A.M., “Gas-evolution Induced Volume Fraction Changes and Their Effect on the Performance Degradation of Li-ion Batteries,” Electrochemical and Solid State Letters, Vol. 13, No. 9, July 2010, pp. A135–A137.
- Plett, G.L., “Sigma-Point Kalman Filters for Battery Management Systems of LiPB-Based HEV Battery Packs—Part 1: Introduction and State Estimation,” Journal of Power Sources, Vol. 161, No. 2, October 2006, pp. 1356–68.
- Plett, G.L., “Sigma-Point Kalman Filters for Battery Management Systems of LiPB-Based HEV Battery Packs—Part 2: Simultaneous State and Parameter Estimation,” Journal of Power Sources, Vol. 161, No. 2, October 2006, pp. 1369–84.
- Plett, G.L., “High-Performance Battery-Pack Power Estimation Using a Dynamic Cell Model,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol. 53, No. 5, September 2004, pp. 1586–93.
- Plett, G.L., “Extended Kalman Filtering for Battery Management Systems of LiPB-Based HEV Battery Packs—Part 1: Background,” Journal of Power Sources, Vol. 134, No. 2, August 2004, pp. 252–61.
- Plett, G.L., “Extended Kalman Filtering for Battery Management Systems of LiPB-Based HEV Battery Packs—Part 2: Modeling and Identification,” Journal of Power Sources, Vol. 134, No. 2, August 2004, pp. 262–76.
- Plett, G.L., “Extended Kalman Filtering for Battery Management Systems of LiPB-Based HEV Battery Packs—Part 3: State and Parameter Estimation,” Journal of Power Sources, Vol. 134, No. 2, August 2004, pp. 277–92.
- Plett, G.L., “Adaptive Inverse Control of Linear and Nonlinear Systems Using Dynamic Neural Networks,” IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, Vol. 14, No. 2, March 2003, pp. 360–76.
- Plett, G.L., “Adaptive Inverse Control of Unmodeled Stable SISO and MIMO Linear Systems,” International Journal of Adaptive Signal Processing and Control, Vol. 16, No. 4, May 2002, pp. 243–72.
- Plett, G.L., Doi, T., and Torierri, D., “Mine Detection using Scattering Parameters and an Artificial Neural Network,” IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, Vol. 8, No. 6, November 1997, pp. 1456–1467.
- Plett, G.L., and Kollár, I., “Specification for Common IEEE Styles,” IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, Vol. 46, No. 6, December 1997, pp. 1217–1223.
- Plett, G.L., “Battery management systems, Volume I: Battery modeling,” Artech House Publishers, 2015.
- Plett, G.L., “Battery management systems, Volume II: Equivalent-circuit methods,” Artech House Publishers, 2015.
- Plett, G.L., Trimboli, M.S., “Battery management systems, Volume III: Physics-based methods,” Artech House Publishers, 2024.
Book Chapters
- Plett, G.L., “Battery management system algorithms for HEV battery state-of-charge and state-of-health estimation,” S. Zhang (eds), Advanced Materials and Methods for Lithium-Ion Batteries, Chapter 20, Research Signpost, Kerala, India, 2007, [ISBN: 978-81-7895-279-6].
- Plett, G.L., Zarzhitsky, D., and Pack, D.J., “Out-of-Order Sigma-Point Kalman Filtering for Target Localization using Cooperating Unmanned Aerial Vehicles,” Hirsch, M.J., Pardalos, P.M., Murphey, R., and Grundel, D. (eds), Advances in Cooperative Control and Optimization, Springer (Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences), 2007, [ISBN: 978-3-540-74354-5].
- Plett, G.L., “Punish/Reward: Learning with a Critic in Multilayer Neural Networks,” Dagli, C.H., Buczak, A.L., Ghosh, J., Embrechts, M.J., Ersoy, O., and Kercel, S. (eds), Intelligent Engineering Systems Through Artificial Neural Networks: Smart Engineering System Design: Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic, Evolutionary Programming, Data Mining, and Complex Systems, Volume 11, ASME Press, New York, 2001, pp. 75–80. [ISBN: 0-7918-0176-4].
Refereed Conference Publications
- Plett, G.L., Trimboli, M.S., “Perspectives on methods to overcome obstacles to physics-based models of LIB for EV ,” Proc IV. International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Energy Technologies (ICECET 2024), Sydney, Australia (July 2024).
- Trimboli, M.S., Plett, G.L., “Perspectives on Employing Physics-based Battery Management for Electric Vehicles,” Proc IV. International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Energy Technologies (ICECET 2024), Sydney, Australia (July 2024).
- Plett, G.L., McVeigh, G., “Sensitivity of Lithium-Ion Battery SOC Estimates to Sensor Measurement Error and Latency,” Proc IV. International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Energy Technologies (ICECET 2024), Sydney, Australia (July 2024).
- Plett, G.L., McVeigh, G., “Sensitivity of Lithium-Ion Battery SOH Estimates to Sensor Measurement Error and Latency,” Proc IV. International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Energy Technologies (ICECET 2024), Sydney, Australia (July 2024).
- Kawakita de Souza, A.K., Plett, G.L., Trimboli, M.S., “Interconnected Sigma-Point Kalman Filter Application for Electrochemical State Estimation of Lithium-Ion Batteries,” Proc. 2024 American Control Conference (ACC24), Toronto, Canada (July 2024).
- Pinter, Z.M., Marinelli, M., Trimboli, M.S., Plett, G.L., “Linear Continuous-Time Parameter Regressor and Dequantizer for Lithioum-Ion Battery Cells with Compromised Measurement Quality,” in Proc. 37nd Electric Vehicle Symposium (EVS37), Seoul, Korea, (April 2024).
- Lopetegi, I., Plett, G.L., Trimboli, M.S., Yeregui, J., Oca, L., Rojas, C., Miguel, E., Iraola, U., “Lithium ion battery aging prediction with electrochemical models: P2D vs SPMe,” Proc. 2023 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC2023), Milan, Italy (October 2023).
- Kawakita de Souza, A., Hileman, W., Trimboli, M.S., Plett, G.L., “A Closed-Form Impedance Model for Rechargeable Lithium-Metal Batteries,” International Federation of Automatic Control Conference (co-published in IFAC-PapersOnLine), Yokohama, Japan (July 2023).
- Kawakita de Souza, A., Hileman, W., Trimboli, M.S., Plett, G.L., “A Control-Oriented Reduced-Order Model for Lithium-Metal Batteries,” American Control Conference (co-published in IEEE Control Systems Letters), San Diego, CA (May-June 2023).
- Plett, G.L., Weiss, S., “Process for sorting or binning cells via a machine-learning method to optimize battery-pack layouts,” in Proc. 35nd Electric Vehicle Symposium (EVS35), Oslo, Norway, (June 2022).
- Plett, G.L., Trimboli, M.S., “Process for lumping parameters to enable nondestructive parameter estimation for lithium-ion physics-based models,” in Proc. 35nd Electric Vehicle Symposium (EVS35), Oslo, Norway, (June 2022).
- Plett, G.L., Trimboli, M.S., “Simulating multicell battery packs using physics-based reduced-order model,” in Proc. 35nd Electric Vehicle Symposium (EVS35), Oslo, Norway, (June 2022).
- Kawakita de Souza, A., Plett, G.L., Trimboli, M.S., “A Model Predictive Control-Based State of Power Estimation Algorithm Using Adaptive Weighting,” in Proc. 35nd Electric Vehicle Symposium (EVS35), Oslo, Norway, (June 2022).
- Kawakita de Souza, A., Plett, G.L., Trimboli, M.S., “A Physics-based Electrode-level Thermal Model for Advanced Battery Management,” in Proc. 35nd Electric Vehicle Symposium (EVS35), Oslo, Norway, (June 2022).
- Rasheed, M., Wang, H., Zane, R., Maksimovic, D., Afridi, K., Plett, G.L., Trimboli, M.S., “Composite Hybrid Energy Storage System Utilizing Capacitive Coupling for Hybrid and Electric Vehicles,” Applied Power Electronics Conference (APEC), Virtual (June 2021).
- Chayratsami, P., Plett, G.L., “Hysteresis Modeling of Lithium–Silicon Half Cells Using Prandtl–Ishlinskii Model,” IEEE International Conference on Control and Automation (ICCA), Hokkaido, Japan (October 2020), 1572–1577.
- Xavier, M.A., Kawakita, A., Plett, G.L., Trimboli, M.S., “A Low-Cost MPC-Based Algorithm for Battery Power Limit Estimation,” IEEE 2020 American Control Conference (ACC), Denver, CO (July 2020).
- Pregonas Graells, C., Trimboli, M.S., Plett, G.L., “Differential hysteresis models for a silicon-anode Li-ion battery cell,” IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference (ITEC), Chicago, IL (June 2020).
- Marts, J., Trimboli, M.S., Plett, G.L., “Physics-based reduced-order model of supercapacitor dynamics,” IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference (ITEC), Chicago, IL (June 2020).
- Kawakita, A., Plett, G.L., Trimboli, M.S., “Lithium-Ion Battery Charging Control Using a Coupled Electro-Thermal Model and Model Predictive Control,” 2020 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), New Orleans, LA (March 2020).
- Chayratsami, P., Plett, G.L., “Hysteresis Modeling of Lithium–Silicon Half Cells Using Krasnosel’skii–Pokrovskii Model,” IEEE Conference on Control Systems Technology and Applications (CCTA), Hong Kong, China (August 2019).
- Rodríguez, A., Plett, G.L., Trimboli, M.S., “Balanced model-order reduction technique of lithium-ion battery-cell internal electrochemical transfer functions,” in EVS32 Symposium, Lyon, France (May 2019).
- Chayratsami, P., Plett, G.L., “Hysteresis Modeling of Lithium–Silicon Half Cells Using Discrete Preisach Model,” 8th IEEE International Conference on Control Systems, Computing and Engineering (ICCSCE2018), Penang, Malasia (November 2018).
- Chayratsami, P., Plett, G.L., “Hysteresis Modeling of Lithium–Silicon Half Cells Using Extended Preisach Model,” 2018 15th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV), Singapore, (November 2018).
- Plett, G.L., “Reduced-order multi-modal model of SEI layer growth for management and control of lithium-ion batteries,” IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications 2017, Kohala Coast, Hawai'i (August 2017).
- Anderson, R., Zane, R., Plett, G.L., Maksimović, D., Smith, K., Trimboli, M.S., “Life Balancing—A Better Way to Balance Large Batteries,” SAE Technical Paper 2017-01-1210, 2017.
- Jobman, R., Trimboli, M.S., Plett, G.L., “Identification of Lithium-Ion Physics-Based Model Parameter Values,” in Energy Challenges and Mechanics (ECM4), Working on Small Scales, Aberdeen, Scotland (August 2015).
- DePalma, D., Plett, G.L., Trimboli, M.S., “Generating high-fidelity reduced-order physics-based lithium-ion cell models,” in Energy Challenges and Mechanics (ECM4), Working on Small Scales, Aberdeen, Scotland (August 2015).
- Zhang, F., Ur Rehman, M.M., Wang, H., Levron, Y., Zane, R., Plett, G.L., Maksimović, D., “State-of-Charge Estimation Based on Microcontroller-Implemented Sigma-Point Kalman Filter in a Modular Cell Balancing System for Lithium-Ion Battery Packs,” Proc. IEEE Control and Modeling for Power Electronics (COMPEL), Vancouver, BC (July 2015), 5 pages.
- Ur Rehman, M.M., Evzelman, M., Hathaway, K., Zane, R, Plett, G.L., Smith, K., Wood, E., Maksimović, D., “Modular Approach for Continuous Cell-level Balancing to Improve Performance of Large Battery Packs,” Proc IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), Pittsburgh, PA (September 2014), 8 pages.
- Pilvelait, B., Rentel, C., Finger, W., Fogg, D., Plett, G.L., Knakel, A., “Pack Level Performance Results for a Universal Lithium Ion Battery Management System,” in Ground Vehicle Systems Engineering and Technology Symposium, Troy, MI (August 2013), 13 pages.
- Pilvelait, B., Rentel, C., Finger, W., Ruckman, L., Fogg, D., Plett, G.L., Marcel, M., “Performance Results for a Universal Lithium Ion Battery Management System,” in Ground Vehicle Systems Engineering and Technology Symposium, Troy, MI (August 2012), 11 pages.
- Pilvelait, B., Rentel, C., Plett, G.L., Marcel, M., Carmen, D., “An Advanced Battery Management System for Lithium Ion Batteries,” in Ground Vehicle Systems Engineering and Technology Symposium, Deerborn, MI (August 2011), 9 pages.
- Park, J., Seo, J.H., Lu, W., Plett, G.L., Sastry, A.M., “The Effect of Dissolution of Lithium Manganese Oxide Particles on Lithium-Ion Battery Performance,” CD-ROM Proc. 218th ECS Meeting, Las Vegas, NV (October 2010).
- Plett, G.L., “Efficient Battery Pack State Estimation Using Bar-Delta Filtering,” in CD-ROM Proc. 24th Electric Vehicle Symposium (EVS24), Stavanger, Norway (May 2009), 8 pages.
- Plett, G.L. and Klein, M.J., “Simulating Battery Packs Comprising Parallel Cell Modules and Series Cell Modules,” in CD-ROM Proc. 24th Electric Vehicle Symposium (EVS24), Stavanger, Norway (May 2009), 17 pages.
- Jackey, R., Plett, G.L., and Klein, M., “Parameterization of a Battery Simulation Model Using Numerical Optimization Methods,” CD-ROM Proc. SAE World Congress 2009, Detroit, MI (April 2009), 9 pages.
- Plett, G.L., DeLima, P., and Pack, D.J., “Target Localization using Multiple UAVs with Sensor Fusion via Sigma-Point Kalman Filtering,” CD-ROM Proc. AIAA Convergence 2007, Rohnert Park, CA (May 2007), 15 pages.
- Plett, G.L., Billings, R., and Klein, M.J., “Desktop and HIL Validation of Hybrid-Electric-Vehicle Battery-Management-System Algorithms,” in CD-ROM Proc. SAE World Congress 2007, Detroit, MI (April 2007), 7 pages.
- Plett, G.L. and Klein, M.J., “Advances in HEV Battery Management Systems,” in CD-ROM Proc. SAE Convergence 2006, Detroit, MI (October 2006), 9 pages.
- Plett, G.L., Ziemer, R., Ciletti, M., Dandapani, R., Kalkur, T., and Wickert, M., “Experiences in Updating the ECE Curriculum with Signal Processing First and the Kolb/4MAT Pedagogy,” in CD-ROM Proc. 2006 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Chicago, IL (June 2006), 10 pages.
- Plett, G.L. and Ciletti, M., “Piloting a Balanced Curriculum in Electrical Engineering—Introduction to Robotics,” in CD-ROM Proc. 2005 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Portland, OR, (June 2005), 14 pages.
- Plett, G.L., “Results of Temperature-Dependent LiPB Cell Modeling,” in CD-ROM Proc. 21st Electric Vehicle Symposium (EVS21), Monaco (April 2005), 9 pages.
- Plett, G.L., “Dual and Joint EKF for Simultaneous SOC and SOH Estimation,” in CD-ROM Proc. 21st Electric Vehicle Symposium (EVS21), Monaco (April 2005), 12 pages.
- Plett, G.L., “Advances in EKF LiPB SOC Estimation,” in CD-ROM Proc. 20th Electric Vehicle Symposium (EVS20), Long Beach CA, (November 2003), 12 pages.
- Plett, G.L. and Wickert, M., “Web-Assisted Learning via On-Line Course Supplements,” in CD-ROM Proc. 2003 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Nashville, TN, (June 2003), 15 pages.
- Plett, G.L., “LiPB Dynamic Cell Models for Kalman-Filter SOC Estimation,” in CD-ROM Proc. 19th Electric Vehicle Symposium (EVS19), Busan Korea, (October 2002), 12 pages.
- Plett, G.L., “Kalman-Filter SOC Estimation for LiPB HEV Cells,” in CD-ROM Proc. 19th Electric Vehicle Symposium (EVS19), Busan Korea, (October 2002), 12 pages.
- Plett, G.L. and Schmidt, D., “A Multidisciplinary Digital-Control-Systems Laboratory,” in CD-ROM Proc. 2002 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Montreal, Canada, (June 2002), 14 pages.
- Plett, G.L. and Böttrich, H., “DDEKF Learning for Fast Nonlinear Adaptive Inverse Control,” Proc. 2002 IJCNN/WCCI Conference, Honolulu, HI (May 2002), 6 pages.
- Plett, G.L., “Efficient Linear MIMO Adaptive Inverse Control,” Proc. 2001 IFAC Workshop on Adaptation and Learning in Control and Signal Processing, Cernobbio-Como, Italy, (August 2001), pp. 89–94.
- Plett, G.L. and Schmidt, D., “Multidisciplinary Lab-Based Controls Curriculum,” in CD-ROM Proc. 2001 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Albuquerque, NM, (June 2001), 12 pages.
- Widrow, B., Plett, G.L., Ferreira, E. and Lamego, M., “Adaptive inverse control based on nonlinear adaptive filtering,” Proc. 5th IFAC Workshop on Algorithms and Architectures for Real-Time Control (AARTC'98), Cancun, MX (April 1998), pp. 247–25.
- Widrow, B. and Plett, G.L., “Nonlinear adaptive inverse control,” Proc. IEEE CDC 1997, San Diego, CA, (December 1997), pp. 1032–1037.
- Widrow, B. and Plett, G.L., “Adaptive inverse control based on linear and nonlinear adaptive filtering,” in Proc. World Congress on Neural Networks 1996, San Diego, CA, (September 1996), pp. 620–27.
- Widrow, B. and Plett, G.L., “Adaptive inverse control based on linear and nonlinear adaptive filtering,” Proc. 1996 International Workshop on Neural Networks for Identification, Control, Robotics and Signal/Image Processing, Venice, Italy, (August 1996), pp. 30–38.
Standard Conference Publications and Presentations
- Plett, G.L., and Trimboli, M.S., “Nondestructive methods for estimating parameters of physics-based lithium-ion cell models,” presented at the Oxford Battery Modelling Symposium, (April 2024).
- de Souza, A.K., Plett, G.L., Trimboli, M.S., “A Lumped-Parameter Lithium-ion Single-Particle Model (SPM) for Estimation and Advanced Control,” presented at the International Battery Seminar and Exhibit, (March 2024).
- Lu, D., Sun, J-J., Trimboli, M.S., Plett, G.L., “Calibrating electrode open-circuit-potential relationships via nondestrUnderstanding Self-Discharge by Modeling Cell Voltage Decay under Open-Circuit Conditionsuctive full-cell discharge tests,” presented at the International Battery Seminar and Exhibit, (March 2024).
- de Souza, A.K., Hileman, W., Trimboli, M.S., Plett, G.L., “Closed-Form Equations to Compute Impedance for Rechargeable Lithium-Metal Batteries with Application to Advanced Battery Management,” presented at the Advanced Automotive Battery Conference, (December 2023).
- de Souza, A.K., Hileman, W., Plett, G.L., Trimboli, M.S., “A Control-Oriented Reduced-Complexity Model for Lithium-Metal Batteries with Application to Advanced Battery Management,” presented at the Advanced Automotive Battery Conference, (December 2023).
- Lu, D., Trimboli, M.S., Plett, G.L., “Calibrating electrode open-circuit-potential relationships via nondestructive full-cell discharge tests ,” presented at the International Battery Seminar and Exhibit, (March 2023).
- de Souza, A.K., Plett, G.L., Trimboli, M.S., “State-of-Power Estimation for Lithium-ion Batteries: A Brief Tutorial ,” presented at the International Battery Seminar and Exhibit, (March 2023).
- Trimboli, M.S., Plett, G.L., “A MATLAB Physics-Based Lithium-ion Battery Toolbox Part I: Developing and Simulating Models of Lithium-ion Battery Cells ,” presented at the Advanced Automotive Battery Conference, (December 2022).
- Trimboli, M.S., Plett, G.L., “A MATLAB Physics-Based Lithium-ion Battery Toolbox Part II: Advanced controls for Lithium-Ion Battery Cells,” presented at the Advanced Automotive Battery Conference, (December 2022).
- Plett, G.L., “Tutorial: Nondestructive methods for estimating parameters of physics-based lithium-ion cell models,” presented virtually at the American Control Conference, (June 2022).
- Lu, D., Trimboli, M.S., Plett, G.L., “Estimating a subset of lithium-ion cell physical model parameters using ultra-short-duration current pulses,” presented at the International Battery Seminar and Exhibit, (March 2022).
- de Souza, A.K., Plett, G.L., Trimboli, M.S., “A state-estimation framework using a lumped-parameter thermal-electrochemical reduced-order model suitable for embedded battery management applications,” presented at the International Battery Seminar and Exhibit, (March 2022).
- de Souza, A.K., Plett, G.L., Trimboli, M.S., “Physics-Based Reduced-Order Model Comparison with Application to Lithium-Ion Battery Management and Control,” presented at the Advanced Automotive Battery Conference, (December 2021).
- Plett, G.L., Trimboli, M.S., “Battery state estimates over a wide operating window using nonlinear Kalman filters and physics-based reduced-order models ,” presented at the Advanced Automotive Battery Conference, (December 2021).
- Lu, D., Trimboli, M.S., Plett, G.L., “Overcoming three fundamental problems when identifying cell OCV versus SOC (and electrode OCP) relationships,” presented at the International Battery Seminar and Exhibit, (March 2021).
- Guest, B., Plett, G.L., Trimboli, M.S., “Hysteresis modeling for lithium-ion batteries: Implications for state estimation and advanced controls,” presented at the International Battery Seminar and Exhibit, (March 2021).
- Guest, B., Trimboli, M.S., Plett, G.L., “Simple Low-Rate Pseudo-Steady-State Model of Lithium-Ion Battery Dynamics,” presented at the Advanced Automotive Battery Conference, (November 2020).
- de Souza, A.K., Plett, G.L., Trimboli, M.S., “A Predictive Modeling and Control Approach to Improving Lithium-ion Battery Performance in Cells Exhibiting Large Voltage Hysteresis,” presented at the Advanced Automotive Battery Conference, (November 2020).
- Kong, X., Trimboli, M.S., Plett, G.L., “A Frequency Response Interpretation of Transfer Function Models for Porous-Electrode Lithium-Ion Cell Internal Variables,” presented at the International Battery Seminar and Exhibit, (April 2020).
- de Souza, A.K., Plett, G.L., Trimboli, M.S., “A Model Predictive Control Approach to Power Limit Estimation Using an Electro-Thermal Model and a Nonlinear Kalman Filter,” presented at the International Battery Seminar and Exhibit, (April 2020).
- Plett, G.L., Trimboli, M.S., Zane, R.A., Maksimovic, D., Smith, K., Shi, Y., Anderson, R.D., ““Life balancing”: Active balancing to extend automotive battery life without a cost penalty,” presented at the Advanced Automotive Battery Conference, (June 2019).
- Rodríguez, A.,Trimboli, M.S., Plett, G.L., “Advances in methods to generate reduced- order physics-based Li-ion cell models for BMS controls,” presented at the International Battery Seminar and Exhibit, (March 2019).
- Florentino, G., Plett, G.L., Trimboli, M.S., “A Multi-cell Battery-Management Approach to Ease Performance Restrictions Imposed by the Weakest Cell,” presented at the International Battery Seminar and Exhibit, (March 2019).
- Plett, G.L., Trimboli, M.S., “Battery management to increase life, safety, and performance using physics-based models of lithium-ion cells,” presented at the Battery Electric Vehicle Architectures Congress 2018, (September 2018).
- Xavier, M., Plett, G.L.,Trimboli, M. S., “Model Prediction and Optimization: Accurate Power Limit Estimation for Lithium-ion Batteries,” presented at the Advanced Automotive Battery Conference, (June 2018).
- Smiley, A., Trimboli, M.S.,Plett, G.L., “Battery State-of-Health Estimation using an IMM Kalman Filter and Physics-Based Reduced-Order Cell Models,” presented at the Advanced Automotive Battery Conference, (June 2018).
- Xavier, M., Plett, G.L., Trimboli, M.S., “Power-Limit Estimation for Lithium Ion Batteries Using Physics-Based Models and Predictive Methods,” presented at the Advanced Automotive Battery Conference, (June 2018).
- Jobman, R., Trimboli, M.S., Plett, G.L., “Identifying Li-Ion Physics-Based Model Parameter Values from Cell-Level Current/Voltage Data,” presented at the International Battery Seminar and Exhibit, (March 2018).
- Trimboli, M.S., Plett, G.L., “Physics-Based Models and Model Predictive Control: Perspectives on Advanced Battery Management,” presented at the Advanced Automotive Battery Conference, (June 2017).
- Plett, G.L., Jobman, R., Trimboli, M.S., “Comparing physics-based to equivalent-circuit-based methods for battery control,” presented at the Advanced Automotive Battery Conference, (June 2016).
- Plett, G.L., and Stetzel, K.D., “Battery state and internal variables estimation using a reduced-order physics-based model of a lithium-ion cell and a nonlinear Kalman filter,” presented at the Advanced Automotive Battery Conference, (June 2015).
- Plett, G.L., “Battery Modeling and Model-Based Control Software,” tutorial given at AMPED annual meeting, (January 2014).
- Plett, G.L., “Physics-based Battery Modeling to Enable Advanced Electric Drive Vehicles,” talk given to Chrysler Motor Company (May 2013).
- Lee, J.L., and Plett, G.L., “One-Dimensional Physics-Based Reduced-Order Modeling of a Lithium Ion Cell,” presented at the Advanced Automotive Battery Conference, (February 2012).
- Plett, G.L., “Model Based Algorithms for Battery Management,” presented at the Advanced Automotive Battery Conference, (January 2011).
- Ziemer, R., and Plett, G.L., “Experiences with a Signals First Approach to the EE Curriculum,” presented at the 2006 ASEE Rocky-Mountain Section Conference, Colorado Springs, CO, (April 2006).
- Ziemer, R., Ciletti, M., Dandapani, R., Kalkur, T., Plett, G.L., and Wickert, M., “Balancing the ECE Curriculum with the Kolb Learning Cycle,” presented at the 2005 NSF Engineering and Computer Education Grantee Meeting, Session B, (February 2005).
- Ciletti, M., Dandapani, R., Kalkur, T., Plett, G.L., Wickert, M., and Ziemer, R., “Balancing the ECE Curriculum with the Kolb Learning Cycle,” presented at the 2005 ASEE Rocky-Mountain Section Conference, Logan, UT, (April 2005).
- Widrow, B. and Plett, G.L., “‘Intelligent' Adaptive Inverse Control,” in Proc. IFAC 96, San Francisco, CA, (July 1996), pp. 104–105. [Invited paper, so not peer-reviewed].
- Plett, G.L., Doi, T. and Torrieri, D., “Present and Future Methods of Mine Detection using Scattering Parameters and an Artificial Neural Network,” in Proc. SPIE v.2765, “Detection and Remediation Technologies for Mines and Minelike Targets,” A.C. Dubey; R.L. Barnard; C.J. Lowe; J.E. McFee, eds, Orlando, FL, (April 1996), pp. 385–396.
Doctoral Dissertation
Technical Reports
- Plett, G.L., “Efficient Adaptive Inverse Control Algorithms: Final Report,” Final report for William Grigsby Sencenbaugh grant, (December 2000).
- Plett, G.L., “Some Results Concerning Fast Linear MIMO Adaptive Inverse Control,” Technical report EAS_ECE_2000_11, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs, CO 80933–7150, (24 July 2000).
- Plett, G.L., Eads, C., “Automatic Stabilization of an Unmodeled Dynamical System: Final Report,” Final report for CRCW grant, (May 2000).
- Doi, T. and Plett, G.L., “Adaptive Neural Networks for Mine Detection,” Technical report for contract DAAK70-92-K-0003, Stanford University, (April 1995).
Research Awards
- UCCS Campus-Wide “2022 Inductee to Five Million Dollar Club” award.
- UCCS Campus-Wide “2014 Faculty Award for Excellence in Research” award.
- UCCS Campus-Wide “2010 Inductee to Million Dollar Club” award.
- College of Engineering and Applied Science “2010 Outstanding Researcher of the Year” award.
- “System and method for efficient adaptive joint estimation of battery cell state-of-charge, resistance, and available energy,” United States patent 10,422,824, September 2019.
- “Model predictive control and optimization for battery charging and discharging,” United States patent 10,298,026, May 2019.
- “Autonomous battery control and optimization,” United States patent 10,277,041, April 2019.
- “Battery control,” United States patent 10,063,066, August 2018.
- “System and method for maximizing a battery pack total energy metric,” United States patent 8,918,299, December 2014.
- “System, method, and article of manufacture for determining an estimated battery cell module state,” United States patent 8,519,675, August 2013.
- “System and method for equalizing a battery pack during a battery pack charging process,” United States patent 8,427,105, April 2013.
- “State and parameter estimation for an electrochemical cell,” United States patent 8,103,485, January 2012.
- “System and method for recursively estimating battery cell total capacity,” United States patent 8,041,522, October 2011.
- “System, method, and article of manufacture for determining an estimated combined battery state-parameter vector,” United States patent 8,035,345, October 2011.
- “System, method, and article of manufacture for determining an estimated battery cell module state,” United States patent 7,994,755, August 2011.
- “Method for calculating power capability of battery packs using advanced cell model predictive techniques,” United States patent 7,969,120, June 2011.
- “System, method, and article of manufacture for determining an estimated battery parameter vector,” United States patent 7,965,059, June 2011.
- “System, method, and article of manufacture for determining an estimated combined battery state-parameter vector,” United States patent 7,893,694, February 2011.
- “System, method, and article of manufacture for determining an estimated battery parameter vector,” United States patent 7,884,613, February 2011.
- “System and method for estimating a state vector associated with a battery,” United States patent 7,800,375, September 2010.
- “System, method, and article of manufacture for determining an estimated battery parameter vector,” United States patent 7,723,957, May 2010.
- “System, method, and article of manufacture for determining an estimated battery state vector,” United States patent 7,656,123, February 2010.
- “Method for Calculating Power Capability of Battery Packs using Advanced Cell Model Predictive Techniques,” United States patent 7,656,122, February 2010.
- “Method and System for Joint Battery State and Parameter Estimation,” United States patent 7,593,821, September 2009.
- “System and Method for Estimating a State Vector Associated with a Battery,” United States patent 7,589,532, September 2009.
- “Method and System for Cell Equalization using State of Charge,” United States patent 7,525,285, April 2009.
- “System and Method for Determining both an Estimated Battery State Vector and an Estimated Battery Parameter Vector,” United States patent 7,521,895, April 2009.
- “System, method, and article of manufacture for determining an estimated battery state vector,” United States patent 7,446,504, November 2008.
- “System, Method, and Article of Manufacture for Determining an Estimated Combined Battery State-Parameter Vector,” United States patent 7,400,115, July 2008.
- “Method for Calculating Power Capability of Battery Packs using Advanced Cell Model Predictive Techniques,” United States patent 7,321,220, January 2008.
- “Method and System for Battery Parameter Estimation,” United States patent 7,315,789, January 2008.
- “Method and Apparatus for a Battery State of Charge Estimator,” United States patent 6,534,954, March 2003.
- “Call Set-Up in a Radio Communication System with Dynamic Channel Allocation,” United States patent 5,345,597, September 1994.
- “Inter-Cell Call Hand-Over in Radio Communication Systems with Dynamic Channel Allocation,” United States patent 5,239,682, August 1993.
- “Intra-Cell Call Hand-Over in Radio Communication Systems with Dynamic Channel Allocation,” United States patent 5,239,676, August 1993.
- “Radio Link Architecture for Wireless Communication Systems,” United States patent 5,229,995, July 1993.
This page last updated: 21-Feb-2025